League Entry Fees

Anyone who's name has been registered in a League Squad will see £1 (per squad) disappear from their BOWLR account over the next few days.

These £1 Registration Fees all add up, and ulitmately cover the cost of our prize vouchers issued to League Winners at the end of the season.


This is a change to our usual administration process with the following advantages :

  • It takes away a huge annual bill from your team captain (who will rarely recoup the cost from the team members!)
  • It ensures that everyone who participates contributes to the League Prize fund
  • It acts as a trigger for members to let us know if they no longer play in a squad so that we can manage squads better in BOWLR
  • It will ultimately ensure that the correct names appear in your squad when entering match results


If you are a squad member who doesn't have BOWLR Credit, you will owe the club £1 for each team you are registered for. a list will be published at the bar should you wish to check and pay please.

Many thanks for your co-operation.

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