County Mixed League Info 2024/25 Season



Team Captains:

A Team: Mark Nott Greg Smith

B Team: Lisa Devlin Janet Skinner


The Mixed League Fixtures are on the Teams Noticeboard (aside rink 1). As you will notice we are the only Club in the County to field 2 teams in the League. This is an excellent opportunity to give a greater number of people the experience of County level bowls in a friendly mixed league format, but obviously we will be playing other Clubs’ A Teams all the time.


As a Club we are only required to register 12 players (6 Female / 6 Male) as A Team players ONLY. ALL other players are eligible and allowed to play for either Team as many times as they like.


To that end, it is the intent, whilst obviously attempting to field as strong a squad as possible for A Team matches to get as many players as possible to play in these opportunities.


The AVAILABILITY sheets will be put up in 2 stages: one for Sep to Dec and the second for Jan to Mar 25 (early December) as Male and Female sheets with both A and B Team matches listed.


With the variety of dates available ALL players are requested to consider their availability for both A and B Team matches and indicate their availability.


As with last Season it will be the intent to display the selected Teams at least the week before the fixtures. So if your availability changes, please try and update the notice board so that replacement players can be identified in plenty of time.


More will come out as the Season begins, but we wish everyone a fruitful and enjoyable season.

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